Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The last lap
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 05:42:38 PM
Thank you again for the endless patience and support you've shown us throughout the production and fulfillment of the Dreadstar Returns campaign. As we've repeatedly stressed, this project wouldn't exist without all of you and we are deeply appreciative of that fact.
The fulfillment process has been longer and more arduous than anticipated (but what aspect of this campaign wasn't?). However, we're excited to let everyone know that we are now in the last lap of fulfillment. Our team is working on the final two tiers of the campaign, THE ULTIMATE OMINOUS BUNDLE and JIM STARLIN LEGENDARY ART. Both will be shipped over the next several days and we thank those backers for their extra patience as we've worked our way up through the reward tiers.
The fat lady is about to sing.
Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink
The Home Stretch
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:09:40 AM
We wanted to send you a quick update and let you know that we've entered the final lap of fulfillment on Dreadstar Returns. About 200 more shipments were processed over the weekend, including at least one Omnibus tier.
That leaves Creation.Ink with roughly 200 orders left to process, in addition to any pre-orders through our website or orders placed via the Indiegogo after-campaign. We've prioritized the Kickstarter fulfillment over those orders and will begin to expedite those shipments after the final Kickstarter backer has been processed.
We're also trying to catch up on any comments/emails/messages that have been sent, and will be reviewing any packages that weren't scanned at their origin location to make sure they're in transit.
Thanks for hanging in there with us. Knock on wood, our next update will announce that fulfillment has been completed.
Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink
Certificate of Authenticity
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 04:32:54 AM
We hope this find you well, backers. More of you should be receiving your packages every day as we get closer to the last of the rewards to be mailed out. Again, we apologize for the length of time that fulfillment has taken. But it does seem like the majority of you are pleased with the your rewards and stretch goals, and for that we are thankful.
As you might recall, the final stretch goal was a Dreadstar print hand-signed by Jim Starlin. Everyone is receiving that print in their boxes. The Certificate of Authenticity that accompanies the print will be distributed digitally, via Backerkit. If you so choose, you can print out your COA. We hope you enjoy it, and your rewards. As always, contact us with any concerns or questions.
More than 1,200 Packages Shipped
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 12:26:01 AM
We wanted to take a moment to update you on where things stand with the fulfillment process. At present, more than 1,200 packages have been mailed, leaving roughly 400 packages that currently are being packed and prepared for shipment. The fulfillment staff is preparing the remaining packages as quickly as possible, while we’re also replying to customer service issues and packages status inquiries on an individual basis. We are replying to both emails and comments in the order in which they are received.
Please be aware that at times, USPS does not scan tracking numbers at the initial facility. We have no control over whether USPS does an initial scan or not. If you have a tracking number, but the package status has not been updated, that is the likely cause. Those packages should be scanned when they reach the next USPS facility. Be assured that all backers will receive their packages, and any issues will be addressed as quickly as possible.
We understand this has been a trying process for all the backers. We again apologize for the mishaps along the way. Many of you have received your rewards, but we know our job is not done until everyone has received their package, and is satisfied. We are continuing to work every day until this task is complete. We appreciate your patience more than you know.
Tracking numbers, effin' Amazon and fulfillment update
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:02:38 AM
Let's get the ugly out of the way first, the Amazon thing.
As several of you have been rightfully annoyed by, the book has been made available on Amazon before many of our backers have gotten their copies. It's one more thing that's gone wrong on this campaign but at the very least, we owe you all an explanation as to how it happened.
We use a book distributor called Pathways to place our product in bookstores and Amazon, among other secondary markets. The printer sent Pathways their share of books to distribute at the same time as they sent copies to our warehouse for fulfillment. Our Pathways representative, George, had strict instructions not to fulfill Amazon orders until the campaign was finished. Pretty cut and dry, right?
Except George died unexpectedly last month.
The representative that took over George's clients wasn't aware that she was supposed to hold the books. She took over the account, saw a large order from Amazon sitting there unfulfilled, and released the books.
Trust us, we're not happy about it either.
Unless someone has a time machine, we can't do anything about it at this point aside from sending a very hostile complaint to our new rep; so we're moving on and controlling the things we can control. But we're sorry it happened this way and hopefully, it's the last snag in this campaign.
Stretch rewards!
As far as things we CAN control, we've been working to upgrade our software and implement tracking numbers and are pleased to let you know that you'll all be receiving them in your email. We're adding the tracking numbers in batches (184 of them went out this morning), so they'll be coming at you in waves as we get caught up on data entry over the last few weeks of fulfillment.
Speaking of, our fulfillment partner continues to work hard to get packages out the door (just not on July 2nd or 5th this year, grrrrr...). It's a MASSIVE undertaking and this is the first campaign they've ever handled so talk about jumping into the deep end! If you've ever wondered what it looks like to fulfill a campaign the size of Dreadstar Returns, here are some pictures snapped over the last several weeks...
Is your package one of these?
Or one of these?
Or maybe it's one of these?
Hang in there with us, guys. We recognize that several of you are unhappy and we're working every single day to get this campaign over the finish line. As more and more of you receive your books and swag, we know you'll recognize all the hard work that went into this project from top to bottom, and will love the long-awaited return of Dreadstar (and Jim Starlin!)