
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Download SENT!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 09:46:15 PM


We're very pleased to send this update out to let everyone know that the digital download reward of Dreadstar Returns has officially been sent out! Please check your email for your download code.

If you don't receive your download code, before contacting us please refer to your Backerkit account and make sure your pledge has entitled you to receive a digital copy. Every single backer will receive this update but the digital reward may not apply to everyone. 

Measure twice, cut once as they say.

If you have any issues with your download, please contact [email protected] for assistance. Other than that, welcome back to the amazing world of Vanth Dreadstar! It's been a long time coming and we think you'll agree, it was well worth the wait.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

digital download NEXT WEEK
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 12:06:10 AM

What's good, DreadSTARS?

We here at Creation.Ink and Ominous Press hope you're all keeping well in these crazy, politically turbulent, pandemically charged times. Living through history can be quite a roller coaster ride, eh?

We're very excited to let all of you know that we'll be sending out the code for the digital download of Dreadstar Returns early next week!

 Jim Starlin has poured his creative heart and soul into the return of his signature character and we're confident all of you will be as thrilled with the end result as those of us that have been fortunate to read it already. behind the scenes. The book is also a very strong debut for Jim's inker of choice, Jaime Jameson. Keep tabs on that name in the future, on both Dreadstar material and other projects, for sure.

But wait, there's more! Those of you that also backed The Dreadstar Guidebook can expect a digital download for that volume shortly thereafter. And then, finally, when the physical copies of books are in from the printer, we'll immediately move into fulfilling all orders and rewards. You'll be hearing from us shortly before fulfillment begins with a further update.

Thanks for your patience on this project! Once Dreadstar is fulfilled, we'll let you know what's coming down the pike next in the Starlinverse!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

PS- sorry for the lack of new art in this update. There's nothing more we can really show with one spoiler or another!

December update
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 09:35:08 PM


We hope everyone is keeping safe and enjoying the different feel of the holiday season this year. 

Before everyone checks out for the annual shutdown between Xmas and NYE, we wanted to update you all on the current status of DSR. Unfortunately, we're experience significant delays in the printing and shipping of the books to our warehouse, due to both the pandemic and the usual distractions of the holiday season.

Our best guess at this point is we'll receive books in mid-January and will immediately launch into fulfillment once they reach us.  If anything about that schedule changes, we'll alert all of you. 

This has been a crazy, unpredictable year from top to bottom. In spite of the many speed bumps and road blocks that have come fast and furious, we're lucky to have all made it through together. We've all waited over two decades for a new Dreadstar story; let's hang in for another month and get ready for the sound of every backer's jaw hitting the floor at the same time. Vanth Dreadstar isn't the only one that's returned. Jim Starlin has come back with a vengeance.

We didn't just want to leave you with bad news in this final DSR update of 2020. We also wanted to show you a peek of something that's been taking shape in the background. 2021 is firming up to be a year not only full of Dreadstar action (and rumor has it both a fourth Omnibus and a new Dreadstar project are coming into focus), but a brand new legend from the pen of our resident cosmic master, collaborating with one of the greatest artists currently working in the field.

Happy holidays to all our backers. Please stay safe, wear a mask and wash your hands. Great things are right around the corner and we can't wait to bring them to you.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Coming Soon...
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 03:49:54 AM

Hey DreadSTARS! 

There have been a few comments posted lately wondering if copies of Dreadstar Returns have been mailed out yet, seeing as shipping money was already collected. We wanted to briefly clarify in an official update, in case there are more backers out there wondering the same thing, but haven't posted to ask.

But first, a new page from Dreadstar Returns: 

Typically, we collect shipping money 30 days before fulfillment. Normally, the timing works out pretty smoothly but this time, there's been a tiny hitch. Even with a redistribution of work, it took slightly longer than anticipated for the production of artwork to be completed. A member of the creative team caught Covid early on and has had a struggle regaining their full health. The book wasn't ready to go to print when anticipated and now, here we are.

Where is that, you might ask? Well, let me tell you. But first, another new page of Dreadstar Returns artwork:

Pretty sweet, right? Mr Starlin definitely made the long wait for new Dreadstar stories more than worth it.

As things currently stand, all the art and colors for Dreadstar Returns is officially finished. The files are with our designer now (you may remember Phil Smith from an update interview while the campaign was running), who is turning it into an actual gosh darn BOOK. We'll be sending DSR, along with the Dreadstar Guidebook, to the printer in short order. Digital rewards will be released when the book goes to print. Physical copies, along with merchandise and other rewards, will follow soon after.

Thanks for hanging in there with us. The wait is almost over and, post-fulfillment, we're excited to let you know about what's coming down the pike for Dreadstar (spoiler alert: get ready to pee your pants in excitement) but also a BRAND NEW JIM STARLIN/RAGS MORALES project lined up for next year.

In the meantime, wear your mask and wash your hands. The best is yet to come, once we get through all this mess.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink  

An extra treat
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 11:43:33 PM

Surprise, DreadSTARS!

Several backers have expressed surprise at the higher-than-expected shipping costs listed on some of the backerkit surveys (explained in yesterday's update). We completely understand the feeling; unfortunately some things, like what the USPS charges, are out of our hands.

But that doesn't mean we don't want to find some way to compensate.

We put our heads together to figure out a way to give you all a little more bang for your buck and wanted to let you know all backers of physical levels will also be receiving, along with their other rewards, an extra print of the stunning Jamal Igle (colors by Ross Hughes) Dreadstar Legacy Edition #1 variant cover!

The art pictured here contains trade dress and logo. The prints everyone will get will be the NAKED art, sans logo/trade dress (don't worry, the characters will still be wearing clothes. No one wants to see the Papal nude, not even Mrs The Papal.)

Thank you all for your continued support of Jim Starlin's latest masterpiece! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us on the Kickstarter page or at [email protected],

Stay safe out there, wash your hands and wear your mask!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink