
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The survey sez...
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 01:50:07 AM

We’re almost there, Dreadstar faithful! 

Jim Starlin is putting the finishing touches on the last few pages of the highly anticipated Dreadstar Returns graphic novel, with about 20 pages left to color. As the finish line rears up, you may have already noticed that we have officially sent out the Backerkit surveys to your inbox!

Watch out, Oedi!

Please make certain you fill out these surveys. Without your correct information, we cannot ship your items to you. If you do not receive your survey via email, please check your spam folders. We want to be sure everyone gets their copy of Dreadstar Returns with minimal hassle.

Let's talk about shipping. Backers will be charged shipping for all of items at the time you complete your survey. Shipping charges are calculated by weight of the package. "Normal" packages (defined here as a copy of Dreadstar Returns, stretch goal rewards and packing/shipping material) are averaging a weight between three-four pounds. The weight of the package has resulted in higher-than-expected postage costs, particularly to our backers that reside overseas, where postage prices are already higher than normal due to the pandemic. 

Papal versus Darth Vader. Who wins?

If you have a concern about your shipping charge, we encourage you to verify postage costs with the USPS and/or contact us at [email protected]

If you've received two separate surveys, it's because you backed the campaign from one email address and then added something on from another email address (as explained in our May update). The surveys you've received TODAY are from your pledge to the actual Kickstarter campaign. Apologies for any confusion.

Some other important information:

*Backer surveys will reflect the additional items and stretch goals (if applicable) for those who increased their pledges during the campaign.

*Pledges may be subject to additional shipping charges for additional items/tiers.

*Retail pricing has increased slightly on some items after campaign closed. You WILL NOT be charged the additional amount, and will see a "Complimentary Credit" on your account, leaving only your shipping costs as the balance due.

*If you purchased apparel, and you do not see your size already selected, please be sure to answer the sizing question on the pledge. Apparel will be shipping separately.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns about your survey, please contact us at: [email protected].

As always, thanks so much for your support!

September Dreadstar update
over 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 05:16:20 PM


We wanted to drop all of you, our favorite backers (don't tell the other campaigns we've run but you guys are our favorites) a line and fill you in on all the latest happenings in the Empirical Galaxy lately. 

It's safe to say, based on the work we've seen, that Jim is producing arguably the best work of his career. Here, take a peek at a PREVIOUSLY UNSEEN SPREAD:

It's a bird, it's a plane... it's Teuton!

Production has been very smooth, overall, with pages flowing in regularly. The book is completely penciled, and roughly two-thirds inked and colored. The only hitch in the wagon has been some ongoing, covid-related health issues a member of the team has been dealing with. This has required a slight redistribution of work to stay on track but everything has remained on track. 

(By the way, did we mention that Jim is probably producing the finest work of his career?)

We anticipate all art and color will be completed by late September/early October and for the book to be lettered, proofread, and sent to the printers by mid-October. We're intending to fulfill the project in November, as planned. 

We'll report back with more news when there's more news to report. Stay safe out there, everybody. Wear a mask and wash your hands!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink 

3 Days Left of Beasts!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 05:51:36 PM

The Black Hand is closing! We have only a few days left for BEASTS OF THE BLACK HAND Volume 2 on Kickstarter campaign! BEASTS OF THE BLACK HAND Volume 2: The Viking League is deluxe, hardcover graphic novel by the original creative team of Paul Harding, Ron Marz, and Matthew Dow Smith, an exciting horror espionage saga!

We’d love to have your pledge, and/or shares on social media to help up bring get the project across the finish line. Let’s unleash the Beasts!

over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 12:19:21 PM

We hope this finds you well in these uncertain times. We here at Ominous Press and Creation.Ink are continuing to create, and we wanted to let you know about our latest project.

Live on Kickstarter right now is the all-new graphic novel BEASTS OF THE BLACK HAND Volume 2: The Viking League. Created by sculptor and artist Paul Harding, the dieselpunk horror-adventure is a sequel to the initial BEASTS OF THE BLACK HAND graphic novel from Ominous Press and Creation.Ink.

Written by Ron Marz, drawn by Matthew Dow Smith, and colored by Nanjan Jamberi, the sequel will be a lavish, 64-page oversize hardcover, just like Volume 1. Once funded, Volume 2 will be released in December.

Click this link: BEASTS OF THE BLACK HAND Volume 2: The Viking League on Kickstarter!

Set at the close of the First World War in a world where dieselpunk technology is transforming the world, Volume 1 introduced British secret agent Oswald Rayner as he assassinated the Mad Monk, Rasputin. Rayner is charged with battling the nefarious Black Hand, a secret cabal of sorcerers bent on unleashing monsters upon Europe. Rayner is aided by a team that includes his driver and mechanic, Biffy Dunderdale; French “Hello Girl” Oleda Marchand; and American war hero Henry Johnson.

Having thwarted Maria Rasputin’s machinations to destroy the Versailles peace conference, Volume 2 finds Rayner and his team battling the Black Hand in Eastern Europe, as well as Germany, where the fascist Viking League is rising to power. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure known as the Teutonic Knight has appeared in Berlin, his loyalties uncertain.

Both Volumes 1 and 2 will be available are available via the Kickstarter, with standard covers by Matthew Dow Smith, and limited sculpture variant covers by Paul Harding. Other rewards include collectible, limited-edition, single-issue comics with exclusive variant covers by artists including Matthew Dow Smith, Eric Powell, Mike McKone, Mark Nelson, Meghan Hetrick, and others. Additional variant covers will be announced throughout the campaign by an all-star collection of artists, including Rachael Stott, Tom Mandrake, and more. There are also sculpture rewards crafted by Paul Harding and Creation.Ink, limited-edition prints, and T-shirts.

With your help, we can unleash the BEASTS again!

Dreadstars, meet THE CHENOO!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 04:59:40 PM


We here at Ominous Press and Creation.Ink hope that you are safe and healthy in this challenging time. We wanted to make you're aware of an exciting project from a Friend Of Ominous (or FOO, as we prefer) that is currently crowdfunding his latest project. You likely know writer/artist Graham Nolan from his legendary Batman work, including co-creating famed Bat-villain Bane, as well his two Ominous Press hardcover adventures, Monster IslandandReturn to Monster Island.

Graham’s latest project is a spine-chilling horror comic called THE CHENOO. Set in Buffalo (home to Ominous Press and Creation.Ink!), this terrifying tale reveals what happened during the the blizzard of 1977, when the blood-thirsty creature known as Chenoo came stalking out of the snow. Now in the present day, as another blizzard descends, the horror is happening all over again! Written and drawn by Graham Nolan, THE CHENOO is classic horror by a classic creator operating at the peak of his creative powers!

THE CHENOO is being offered right now on Indiegogo, but the campaign ends in just a few days! Now’s the time to get your copy, before it’s too late, along with other great reward tiers and stretch goals.

The campaign can be found here:  THE CHENOO HUNGERS FOR YOU! 

We hope you’re as excited about THE CHENOO as we are. Remember, the campaign is scheduled to end this week, so don’t delay!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink!

PS- Jim is kicking all kinds of tail on Dreadstar Returns...