
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An Apology From Us
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 03:48:24 AM

First, an apology. We know many of you are frustrated and even angry. Please understand that we share your frustration. The scope of this project, during this extraordinary time, has proven more difficult than we expected. Our apologies for the delays we have incurred, and our apologies for letting our own frustrations be relayed to you. That should not happen, and won’t happen again. 

Certainly we’d prefer the fulfillment process was as simple as placing a book in a box and shipping it. But the many rewards and stretch goals that accompanied the campaign added large-scale complexities we should have anticipated. This not an excuse, merely an admission of what we’re learning in this process. We realize that is no comfort to our backers who have been anxiously awaiting their books.  

Books and rewards are indeed shipping, because we understand getting books into the mail is more important than any other factor. At the same time, we are also working on implementing tracking numbers into our fulfillment system.

Additionally, please understand that Jim Starlin is justifiably proud of his accomplishment in not only returning to drawing, but drawing an entire 100-page graphic novel. He is keen to share Dreadstar Returns with the world. Having less than two dozen copies available at a convention appearance was Jim’s choice, and we provided those copies to him. None of the other rewards that backers are receiving were available at the appearance. By Jim’s next scheduled convention appearance, all backers should have received their books and rewards. We sympathize with your concerns, but also want to support Jim in sharing his accomplishment with his fans in person. 

Again, please accept sincere apologies for the delays we have experienced. We realize that none of this is possible without your support, and we do not take it for granted. As books start to be received, we hope your enjoyment of Dreadstar Returns will make up for the bumpy process. Thank you for your patience and kindness. 

June 25th update
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 11:08:48 PM


Several backers have requested more frequent updates throughout the fulfillment process and there have also been a few questions posted in the comments that will be more efficient to address in one fell swoop. So... away we go!

There seems to be some discontent that Mr. Starlin had advance copies of his own book to sell and promote at a comic convention last weekend. First of all, it's Jim's book. He's the reason we're all here today. Are we supposed to tell him, "NO, you can't have any copies." Clearly, not an option, nor is it one that we'd ever consider anyway.

The scheduling of this project and fulfillment was disrupted several times, for reasons that have been explained in updates along the way, most of them Covid-related.  We sincerely regret that several of our backers are aggravated that copies of Dreadstar Returns/Guidebook were made available at a comic-con before they received theirs in the mail.  The timing of this fulfillment has been on more or less a sliding scale and has had to be adjusted along the way.  It's never been our intention to slight our backers, it's just the way the scheduling has ended up working out.

Packages are continuing to be shipped out daily, keep checking your mailbox for yours. We are not able to provide individual tracking information for each package; our shipping software doesn't give us that option. But it won't be long before your package arrives, if it hasn't already. 

For our UK/overseas backers, your packages are being sent out simultaneously with domestic shipments via USPS. As many of you know, mail is often taking longer to arrive these days, the postal service hasn't been running at peak efficiency over the last year-- and international shipments can also take longer to arrive than normal.  But every last book/print/trading card/t-shirt/etc is being sent out daily. 

Thanks as always for your patience. We'll update again soon. 

Your pals at Creation.Ink/Ominous Press

Quick update
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 12:20:03 AM


We're seeing the comments some of you are leaving on the page and wanted to send out a quick update to address everybody at once.

Dreadstar Returns/Guidebook packages are being packed up and shipped out all this week and next (and probably the next too, honestly, because there's a LOT of books to go out). Even as these words are being typed, our fulfillment team is working hard to get waves of packages out the door. 

 Everything on this campaign seems to take a little longer than we anticipate but we're happy to say that, aside from the unpredictability of the USPS these days, it should only be a little longer before your books arrive. So keep checking your mail!

Thanks for your patience!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Dreadstar Returns! Fulfillment BEGINS!
over 3 years ago – Sun, May 30, 2021 at 06:49:12 PM


In the news we've all been waiting for, we received our copies of Dreadstar Returns and The Dreadstar Guidebook from the printers last week. 

Dreadstar Returns!
The Dreadstar Guidebook

Since the books arrived, we've been finishing up the printing/production of all the extras: trading cards/prints/shirts/hoodies/etc that are shipping along with the books. All told, there are about 50 extra items created as part of this campaign, which will be the largest we've ever fulfilled. So thank you for bearing with us while we've taken the extra time to organize and work out the logistics of the fulfillment.

We expect the signed bookplates/prints/legacy edition comics to arrive from the pen of Jim Starlin early next week and once those are in hand, packages will begin to be mailed out. We'll be shipping books out in waves and expect it will take about two weeks to complete the fulfillment.

We're very excited to conclude this campaign and look forward to all of you receiving your books.  Your patience and support means the world to us. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment here or email [email protected].

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

The Finish Line is in sight! Plus BIG NEWS
almost 4 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 06:56:18 PM


We've been holding off a bit on sending this update; just waiting to have some firm information to update all of you with. So here's the latest news that's fit to print!

The printed copies of The Dreadstar Guidebook and Dreadstar Returns are currently in transit from the printer to our fulfillment center. We expect them to arrive NEXT WEEK. In the meantime, Mister Starlin is currently signing a little over 1600 bookplates, t-shirts are being printed, stretch goals are being produced...basically all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. 

On the logistical side of things, we have locked backer addresses through Backerkit and are preparing our fulfillment reports, getting all the ducks in a row to ship these puppies out. If your address has changed since the surveys went out, PLEASE email [email protected] and let us know. We want to be sure everyone gets their package.

Several backers have wondered what's coming down the pike next from Jim Starlin. The next campaign we're planning, tentatively scheduled for July, will be Jim's new hardcover graphic novel, DREADSTAR VS THE INEVITABLE.  Jim has currently drawn over half of this new 100-page adventure (IT'S AWESOME!!) and the penciled art should be completed by the time the campaign runs.  We don't like these delays any more than you guys do and we're working to eliminate them. Anyway, we'll be telling you more about this project as we get closer to launch. 


As part of the campaign for DREADSTAR VS THE INEVITABLE, we're planning to offer, at long last, THE FOURTH DREADSTAR OMNIBUS collecting the legendary PETER DAVID/ANGEL MEDINA run. We'll also be producing new slipcases that will comfortably fit all four omnibus volumes together. 

Our goal is to put together the ultimate Dreadstar campaign for you guys and we hope you'll be excited when it launches. There will be a few more surprises to come, too, but first, let's get through the fulfillment of DSR and the Guidebook. We couldn't appreciate your patience more than we do and we're very excited to get these books in your hands.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink