
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

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almost 5 years ago – Sun, May 03, 2020 at 11:08:50 AM


Real quick, off the top of your heads, name the members of Dreadstar's crew. Vanth, Oedi, Willow, Syzyzgy and Skeevo, right? Well, today, we have a brand new addition to the cause. A new crew member named Jerry. 

Jerry Ordway

Jerry Freakin Ordway. Sketch cover. 

So yeah, Jerry Ordway drew a Dreadstar sketch cover. It's available now. No big deal.

You know what's not available anymore? Angel Medina's sketch cover. It got snapped up yesterday before we could even put together a spotlight for it but figured hey, maybe you guys would still like to see it. It'll be printed in the sketch cover gallery going into the Dreadstar Guidebook so it'll still be a part of our lives. I talked to Angel yesterday and he'd like to do a second cover but just isn't sure he's going to have time. No salesmanship or anything intended here, I'm not trying to build suspense for a big reveal next week. He's just super busy and doesn't want to commit and not have time to produce the cover. But let's keep our fingers crossed because Angel does have a really cool idea for his possible next one.

And while I didn't intend for this update to be ALL SKETCH COVERS, one of our backers, Jordan Ritchie, suggested a great idea. Blank Dreadstar sketch covers for people that either can't pull the trigger in time on the ones we've offered or want their own to bring to conventions when the world reopens (eventually). Jordan's idea was one of those lightbulb, "I really should have thought of that," moments so I made it happen. 

You can add as many sketch covers to your pledge as you want, $10 each. You want five? Adjust your pledge by $50 and leave me a comment so I can add it to your account. You want 10 or 1000? Same routine. Thanks for the idea, Jordan. Very much appreciated. 

A little something different coming in tomorrow's update. Stay tuned and wash your hands!

Your pals at Ominous Press/

Ron Lim original art now LIVE!
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 02, 2020 at 05:02:45 PM


Welcome to another Friday! I think? It is Friday, isn't it? All the days blur together right now.

We're suuuuuper close to unlocking the final three Dreadstar, Papal and Oedi cards in our stretch goal trading card set. I can't officially call it a victory yet but it's a safe best that come Monday, I'll have some good news to share in that regard. Who knows? I might even have a few new stretch goals to reveal post-weekend which would coincide perfectly with the last seven days of the campaign. We'll have to wait and see, I guess. Plus, for those keeping score at home, there's still the Dan Panosian sketch cover coming down the pike, possibly a Marc Laming sketch cover ( five weeks later, he has yet to receive the comic to draw on; mail service between the US and UK isn't in great shape right now) and who knows? Everybody's pal Angel Medina might be back for more. It'll be a surprise to me too!

So... remember those sketch covers of Dreadstar and Lord Papal that Ron Lim penciled for us? The stuff he drew was so great, it gave us an idea and with Ron's blessing, we've done something pretty cool with the art.  We inked it over bluelined pencils (luckily, I know a guy who's inked a few comic books over the years)!

 What this means is that if you missed out on Ron's sketch covers, we've now got two beautiful pieces of 11x17 original Ron Lim art to make up for it. Both are currently live on the campaign page. And you know, now that they're inked, don't you think they're just kinda begging for color?

He asked, hinting.

That's it for today, gang. Everybody stay safe out there over the weekend and we'll catch you back here Monday for some more fun, games and Dreadstar news.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Who is Phil Smith? Plus...BART SEARS sketch cover
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 10:32:59 PM

Hey DreadSTARS, hope everyone is hanging tough out there. 

Today, I thought we'd take a peek behind the scenes and talk to one of the unsung heroes of this Dreadstar revolution, Phil Smith. There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to produce any project. Phil is our designer and production whiz and is responsible for the final look of every Ominous title you've seen or read, including the Omnibus series of Dreadstar books as well as Dreadstar Returns and the Dreadstar Guidebook.

On the flipside of today's chat with Phil, I've got a nice visual treat for you: the Bad Boy (but super nice guy) of comics, Bart Sears, produced an amazing sketch cover for this campaign. Check it out at the end!

Phil, be honest. Are you even a Dreadstar fan?

PS: The first time I heard of Dreadstar was In the mid 90s. I had gone to Karate practice and was chatting with one of my seniors. We were discussing comics and my senior offered to loan me some books he thought any fan of comics should be familiar with. The books were THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and the DREADSTAR Graphic Novel. Since then I’ve always had an interest in the character but copies were seldom available in the shops I visited, even though I would be on the look out.

There were over 1500 pages of Dreadstar material to collect for the Omnibus series. Where o you even begin on something like that? Were there any particular challenges to overcome when building those books out?

PS: HA! Several. The older art was print quality from scans but at an odd size. To accommodate the art to it’s fullest the Omnibus Editions put out by Ominous Press are a slightly odd trim size. Also, Editor Ron Marz suggested the spines all have a connecting image which means page counts had to be locked in early and spine measurements from the printer had to be confirmed to ensure the editions visually connected properly. In addition to that there was a run of volume 1 printed in Canada that needed to align with later editions printed overseas by another group. No matter what printer you work with the spine measurements from one printer will differ from another so there was some tricky calculating on my end; I had to figure out how to make both editions line up so that anyone who bought a volume one from either printer could get the other volumes and the experience would be seamless. We made it work.

What kind of impression or emotion maybe were you trying to convey to the reader when you designed the Omnibus series?

PS: DREADSTAR is high flying cosmic adventure fantasy. The early painted editions always stuck with me, so I wanted to hold on to that feeling as the story transitioned to the series that was done in Starlin’s signature line art style and then to the other artists who came later. I created a texture used throughout the books that looks very cosmic with lots of bold color against a star field. The colors change but I use the texture as a connecting element.  Each Omnibus has a signature color that is associated with DREADSTAR. His costume transitions from key colors of blue, yellow and purple so that is reflected in the key colors of the Omnibus editions.

OK, so I don't know what any of that means but I'll fake it 'til I make it. Are there design elements incorporated to link Dreadstar Returns with the Omnibus series?

PS: I am keeping the texture I created from the Omnibus editions to connect the new material in the Guidebook and OGN but the key color this time is a darker blue. When something “Returns” it creates, in my mind, something coming out of darkness in to view. This blue represents, to me, the 20 plus years DREADSTAR has been away and he is emerging from. Visually the “Dread Star” is also a recurring element that  can be used when needed add visual punctuation.

Visual Punctuation was the name of my high school band! Let's talk the guidebook. Reference heavy. Tons of characters. Years of history. How do you approach a job as daunting as the DS Guidebook?

PS: One spread at a time. Each character means something to fans, and to Jim Starlin, so they each deserve to be treated like someone’s favorite character. Robert Greenberger undertook a huge challenge pouring over everything DREADSTAR issue by issue to provide fans with the first most comprehensive reference for all things DREADSTAR. My goal is to create a book for new fans, old fans and fans of the genre that is a cohesive addition to the overall collection. The Guidebook shares design traits to the Omnibus collection, that also connects to the new Original Graphic Novel. Though I have all this in my mind it is always subject to the client’s publishing plan and goals. I do my best to quietly guide things to unity. Threading through the goals, sometimes I make it, sometimes I do not but I always give it a shot.

Phil, that's almost poignant! Any last words to Dreadstar fans?

PS: What I like most about this project is the creative cohesion that comes top down from Jim Starlin, to Editor Ron Marz and through to production. I do not see this current run at DREADSTAR as a re-boot, or re-interpretation, or series of compromises made amongst a committee. It is direct from the source. It’s rare, so enjoy it while you can. It does not get to happen often.

Well said, Phil! Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and give our backers a look at what goes on in the darkest corners of the Emperical Galaxy.

Now, before I release you into the wild, here's a look at our newest sketch cover by some new kid just breaking into the comic book industry. What's his name again? Bart something or other.

This kid might have a future in comics

That's all for today, my friends. Thanks again to Phil Smith for dropping by. Stay safe and wash your hands!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Jim Starlin original art reward added!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 09:33:58 AM

'Sup, DreadSTARS?

We are officially kicking off week three of the campaign today with our biggest original art reward to date, and the only chance to grab a piece of Jim Starlin original art through this campaign. Feast your eyes on Jim's wraparound cover for LEGENDARY #4, inked by Andy Smith and live on the campaign page as of five minutes ago!

Jim Starlin LEGENDARY #4 cover

I'm not going to try to snow anyone here: this is a big ticket item. BUT we've added even more value to Jim's cover because it also includes a complete Ominous Bundle, a copy of every single book published by Ominous to date, including the Dreadstar Omnibus slipcase edition, single issues of comics, our complete hardcover graphic novels and on and on. It's the entire catalog all rolled into one giant reward!

I've mentioned before that a picture speaks a thousand words so that's it from me today. Shutting up. Catch you all tomorrow and thanks for your support!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

PS- if you check out the campaign page, you may notice I also snuck in a new sketch cover today. More on that tomorrow if it doesn't get snapped up first.

Ron Lim Returns, more trading cards unlocked and MORE
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 09:34:51 AM

How we doing out there, DreadSTARS? Happy Monday to all of you!

It's been a pretty great weekend for Dreadstar Returns; welcome to all of our new backers. Please know that Jim Starlin and Creation.Ink/Ominous Press appreciate all the support you guys have thrown behind this campaign. Since last we met, here's what's been going on:

Just this morning, we smashed through the second trading card stretch goal and I'm happy to let everyone know that the Doc Delphi, Syzyzgy and Willow trading cards are officially unlocked! All backers at physical reward levels will be receiving these cards (as well as Skeevo, Tueton and Science Officer Manalo) absolutely free as our way of saying thanks for coming along on this ride to the Empirical galaxy. Can we make it all the way to the final tier an unlock the Oedi, Papal and Dreadstar cards? It's kind of anticlimactic if we don't, isn't it? So let's make the magic happen! 

Our good friend Ron Lim stopped by again over the weekend and delivered another sketch cover. Want to see it? Because I sure do want to show it off!

High Lord Ron Lim strikes again!

I told Ron this morning that I didn't think he could draw something boring if he tried and, while he's too modest to agree with me, I'm right as rain on this one. Ron's Papal cover has just gone live on the campaign page. Like his first one, I suspect it won't be around for long...

And while I'm speaking of sketch covers, Rick Leonardi's second sketch cover is BACK! That's right; it was quickly picked up last week but then released once more into the wild. No harm, no foul, just want to let everyone know it's once again live and available.

Guess who's back?

Tomorrow, we'll be unveiling our BIGGEST original art reward of this entire campaign. We're about to shake the pillars of Heaven with this one so stay tuned! 

Catch you guys later and if you need anything, just hit me up in the comments here or on the campaign page. There's a lot more of you than there is me but I'm keeping up as best I can.

Your pals at Creation.Ink/Ominous Press