
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The update we've all been waiting for!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 11:56:16 PM


We hope everyone is staying safe out there and April is treating all of you well. 

We're very happy to let you all know that the long wait is almost over. Physical copies of Dreadstar Returns and The Dreadstar Guidebook were shipped from the printer yesterday. We expect the shipment to arrive at our warehouse late next week. Fulfillment will begin almost immediately once the books have arrived.

There are a lot more of you than there are of us so please, give us a little time before you inquire about the whereabouts of your package. Also, check these updates as we move forward. The answer to your future question/issue/comment may well be covered in an upcoming update.  We'll be working hard to get everyone their package as quickly as possible.

It's been a long road on this one; thanks for hanging in there with us through it all.  We'll be announcing our next Jim Starlin project once fulfillment is complete.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Printing update
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 09:53:12 PM


A few of you have requested an update on the current status of Dreadstar Returns so we wanted to sketch in where things are currently at.

As you can see below from the below email from our printer,  we're currently expecting books to arrive anywhere from the middle of April to early May. 

Coming soon!

No one is more anxious to fulfill this project than we are. Aside from also being fans who can't wait to have the hardcovers on our bookshelves, we also have an incredible amount of awesome from Jim Starlin in the pipeline. We're looking forward to announcing WHAT COMES NEXT once the campaign for DSR and the Guidebook are fulfilled. 

We'll be in touch again once the books arrive at our warehouse. Thanks for all your patience. The best is yet to come in more ways than one!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Dreadstar Guidebook digital reward link TODAY
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 01:13:52 PM

Happy Monday, DreadSTARS! 

The stars are heating up in the Empirical Galaxy this morning and we are very pleased to let all of you (that backed the appropriate reward tiers) know to expect the digital download link for the Dreadstar Guidebook today. Please keep an eye on your spam folders, JUST IN CASE because sometimes, the Internet Gods like to play their little tricks.

If you have any issues with the download link, please email the lovely, talented and exceedingly patient Kim at [email protected] for further assistance.

As for the physical copies of the books, well, we're just as anxious to get them as you guys are. We don't have a firm date on when to expect the shipment to our warehouse but a solid guess would be a few weeks. We'll  be sending out an update as soon as we know more.

Thanks for your support and patience and we hope you'll enjoy the deep dive into the Empirical Galaxy that is the Dreadstar Guidebook. There's literally no one better at writing these encyclopedic projects than the legendary Robert Greenberger and our designer, the esteemed Phil Smith, has put together a stunning volume.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

light at the end of the tunnel- plus DIGITAL REWARD
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 04:51:59 PM


Thank you all for your patience while we worked out our issues with the printing house handling Dreadstar Returns and The Dreadstar Guidebook. 

You may recall from our December update that our printer was dealing with delays due to Covid, which snowballed due to the holiday shutdown. It's taken some time for them to right the ship and catch up but we're happy to report that we're firmly in the queue and now getting regular updates. Because things keep going wrong, we don't want to promise a hard/fast date on fulfillment but we expect within the next 4-5 weeks, everyone should have their physical copies of DSR, along with other pledged rewards.

"But wait! What about the digital version of the Guidebook?" Several of you have asked.  After the snafu of the unexpected typos in the digital release of Dreadstar, the Guidebook was given a microscopic exam for errors, then turned back over to our designer to implement the needed corrections. He's currently working on it (we're not his only client) and expects to have it fully corrected and compiled by Monday.  We'll give it another once over, send the revised file to the printing house, and release it digitally once it's perfect. Physical copies will be fulfilled along with DSR.

Finally today, if you check your email, you'll be getting the download link for a digital copy of the original Epic Comics Dreadstar #1 which, if you strain your memories, you may recall was unlocked at that magic 1000 backer mark during the campaign.  We hope you enjoy your trip back to Dreadstar's cosmic beginnings, just in time for his adventures to officially continue.

Thanks again for your patience! Big things coming down the pike very, very soon!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Now with less typos!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 06:25:18 PM

Hey DreadSTARS!

Just a quick update to let you know to expect the link to download a new digital PDF of Dreadstar Returns in your email shortly. Apologies for the typo snafu in the last version, everything appears to be in fine order now.

We've pushed back the digital release of the Guidebook briefly to make sure there are no more issues with typos or production errors. Measure twice, cut once as they say. We'll update you shortly as to when to expect the link for download.

Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink