
Dreadstar Returns!

Created by Creation.INK

Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Countdown to Takeoff!
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 09, 2020 at 05:16:58 AM

We’re counting down the campaign in hours rather than days now, as we head toward the Sunday night end of the Dreadstar Returns initiative. It’s been a truly successful campaign, and we’re so thankful for all of your support for Jim Starlin’s return to writing and drawing Dreadstar. We’ll be unveiling our ultimate stretch goal later today, so please stay tuned for a special announcement.

Art Rewards!

We still have a very few unique items left in the campaign, so this is your final opportunity to grab one of those pieces. As of this update, the amazing sketch cover by Dan Panosian is still looking for a home, as is Angel Medina’s sketch cover featuring Syzygy Darklock, as the original inked art of Ron Lim’s Lord High Papal image. The rarest of all, the Jim Starlin wraparound original art for Legendary #4, featuring the powerful Pheros, is also still available. These are one-of-a-kind rewards, and once they’re gone, they’re gone!

Variants and Ordway Print!

You can upgrade your pledge to include any of the campaign offerings, including the array of Legacy Variant covers by a collection of superstar artists. We’re also getting close to the $115K stretch goal, which means all physical backers get the awesome print by legendary artist Jerry Ordway!

Ultimate Stretch Goal!

The campaign has been so gratifying, and we want to end with a big weekend of pledges. Please help us spread the word on your social media, so everybody has a chance to get in on the Dreadstar goodness. We’ll be back later with news about the ultimate stretch goal. Let’s get there!

An Urban Barbarian and Dreadstar walk into a bar together...
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 08, 2020 at 06:03:49 PM

5 days left, DreadSTARS!

Mere minutes before starting this update, we crashed through the 105k benchmark and unlocked the first WAVE THREE stretchgoal! Thanks, everybody, for driving the car this far! Happy to announce that Ron Lim’s full color print of Vanth Dreadstar will officially be coming home to all of you backers (of physical reward tiers, of course) in the very near future.  

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Dreadstar met a barbarian? But not just any barbarian, no. I’m talking about special kind of barbarian. An urban barbarian, if you will. Otherwise known as Dan Panosian.

Well, wonder no further because the two have met and it turns out, they get along exceedingly well!

In case you didn’t already figure out what I’m trying to say here, Dan Panosian’s Dreadstar Legacy #1 sketch cover is now live on the campaign page.

Speaking of sketch covers, remember Rick Leonardi’s second sketch cover? Here, hang on. I’ll refresh your memories...

That one, right? It’s been released back into the wild for the second time this campaign. No harm, no foul; wanted to make sure everyone knows it’s available if you missed it the first time. Or second, for that matter.

One last word about sketch covers today. The lovable, huggable Angel Medina came back WITH A VENGEANCE. His second sketch cover will go live Thursday and I think you’ll be be as glad as I am that Angel found a little more time for us and Dreadstar.

And if you missed yesterday’s update, you probably didn’t see our backer exclusive TUETON SMASH t-shirt, only available to backers during this campaign. It will never be sold in stores and will not be available as an add on after the campaign ends. It’s just something special we created specifically for this little club of Dreadstar fans we all belong to. You’ll definitely see me wearing one at conventions; but you won’t see me selling any at shows. If you want to add one to your swag, just adjust your pledge by $25 to cover the cost of the shirt and leave me a comment with your shirt size (available in S-2XL). I’ll verify and you’ll soon be wearing your shirt with pride!

Five days left, guys. Every share helps us make Dreadstar history; thanks for all that you’ve done to help Jim Starlin bring this project to life!

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

And then there were three...
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 07, 2020 at 11:08:02 PM

Three days left, DreadSTARS!

As I type these words (5:03 AM), we are only about seventy dollars shy of reaching the second Ron Lim stretch goal print so I’m gonna get a little crazy this morning and call this one a victory. Consider it unlocked! If for some freakish, unexpectedly impossible reason we can’t raise that $70 over the next three days, I’ll adjust my own pledge and chip it in the pot myself (FYI I’m not just running this campaign, I’m backer #2 because somehow, a Flash-like backer squeezed in his pledge before me, literally a few scant seconds after we launched).

I’m pretty confident I won’t need to come out of pocket on this one and I can explain why in just two words: ANGEL MEDINA. 

Another backer commented after Angel’s first sketch cover that if we can’t get Jim Starlin to draw a sketch cover, Angel is pretty much the next best thing and I gotta say, I completely agree. It’s a testament to how much he loves Jim (who was Angel’s mentor when he was first starting out) and the Dreadstar universe that he carved time out of his hellish deadline schedule to unleash this Syzygy for us. Thanks, Angel!

In other news, everyone that asked for the Tueton Smash shirt, you’re all taken care of and those are added to your rewards. Thanks, guys!

As we countdown towards the end, let’s see what today brings. Remember, every time you share, an Angel (Medina) get his wings.

Stay safe.

Your pals at Ominous Press/Creation.Ink

Final Four (days)
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 07, 2020 at 03:33:25 AM


Anyone out there ever run a marathon? There’s a feeling one gets when you’re just about hitting mile 20 or so: tired, definitely. The lactic acid at that point has been building in the muscles and believe me, the legs are aching. A little dehydrated, a little punch drunk, maybe...but determined to finish the race. It’s a total ”so close, so far” scenario.

That’s a lot like what it feels like when one is getting close to the finish line of a Kickstarter. Tired, punch drunk but determined to finish the race. Except in our case, we’re not going to lose control of our bowels and soil ourselves, as sometimes happens in long distance running. Well, Andy Smith might but that’s an ongoing issue with him anyway. 

It’s hard to believe we’re in the final four days of what has been really, a tremendously exciting campaign for a legit amazing project. It’s still hard to believe, even after already reading a chunk of the new material, that we’re getting new Dreadstar material from Jim Starlin himself. And believe me, Jim is back at it and making up for lost time with a vengeance.

If you’re keeping track of the leader board, we’re about halfway towards unlocking the second Ron Lim print at this point and we’re finalizing plans for a final ”rush” stretch goal if we’re lucky enough to hit the mark for the Jerry Ordway print. 

To help push us along further, we’ve added a new reward, ”Oedi’s Catbox of Awesome,” to the campaign this morning. Oedi’s Catbox is similar to the sold out High Lord Papal and Doctor Delphi reward tiers except it includes the Lord Papal ”BELIEVE” t-shirt. Give it a look when you get a chance, you might like what you see!

For those of you that have already read this next part once or twice, sorry, but not everybody reads every update. For those latecomers to the party (where have you guys been?!), this is the final time I’ll be mentioning the backer-exclusive ”TUETON SMASH” t-shirt... EVER.

We put together this tee as a way to offer something ONLY to backers of this campaign. The Tueton Tee (try saying that five times fast) will never be listed on the campaign page. It will never be sold through our website or at conventions or in stores. It’s our little secret with all of you.

If you’d like to add one to your pledge, they’re available in sizes S-2XL. All you have to do is (say it with me now!) adjust your pledge by $25 to cover the cost of the shirt and leave a comment here or on the page with your size. I’ll verify and add it to your account and boom! You’ll be the best dressed fella at the next convention we’re all at, once we’re all able to start going to conventions again. 

That’s all for today, guys. Tomorrow, Angel Medina returns! See you then.

Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink

Monday: new stretch goals and exclusive backer offer!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 05, 2020 at 05:51:12 PM

Happy Monday, DreadSTARS!

Well, we did it! And by we, I mean you guys. We officially crushed the 100k stretch goal over the weekend and the Oedi, Papal and Vanth trading cards have been officially unlocked! You know what that means, right? The entire set is now running wild and all backers of physical reward levels will be receiving the trading cards along with their books and other rewards. Thanks for making all this magic happen, team!

So you might be wondering: now that those stretch goals are conquered, what next? Well...If you're a night owl and were up late last night perusing the page, you've already seen this nifty new graphic. If not, take a look!

Stretch goals: WAVE THREE!

That's right! We got such a great response to the Ron Lim and Jerry Ordway sketch covers (and major props to Jerry for going back in, removing the Dreadstar logo and corner box and finishing the art) that, with the help of crayola master Ross Hughes, we've turned them into full color, 7 x 9.5 prints. If we can make one last push over the final week of this campaign, we hope to find all three of these works of art loving homes with all of you. AAAAAAANNNNNDDDD... there are rumors of a final stretch goal at 120k if things get really crazy over this last stretch.

Last but not least today, something special and exclusive for you guys today. 

One part of this campaign everyone has really seemed to enjoy has been the different Dreadstar t-shirts. Well, we've got one more for you. 

Tueton SMASH!!

This fun t-shirt is a little bit different though. It's not available on the campaign page and it will never be sold online or at conventions after this campaign is over. It's only available exclusively to you guys, our beloved backers of the Dreadstar Returns campaign, through this update. Once the campaign ends, so does the lifespan of this tee. There will never be another chance to get one and no one can get one but you guys.

Like our other shirts, Tueton Smash is available in sizes S- 2XL and if you'd like to grab one, just adjust your pledge by $25 dollars, leave me a comment on the campaign page with your t-shirt size and it'll be added to your account. It may take me a little longer to verify and respond today but I promise I'll get you all taken care of.

So here we go, guys. Final week. The countdown begins. The last time I wrote something about a countdown got mixed reviews (shout out to backer #843 aka Dan Didio for hiring me for that gig!) but all of you have already made this campaign an amazing five-star masterpiece. So let's sit back, enjoy the ride, and see where this last week takes us.

Back, share and wash your hands!

Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink