Vanth Dreadstar returns in an ALL NEW, 100-page adventure by series creator and legendary comic book writer/illustrator Jim Starlin.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dreadstar in the HOOD
almost 5 years ago
– Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 11:28:51 AM
Happy Friday, DreadSTARS!
Thanks (again) to all of you, yesterday afternoon we plowed through our fourth stretch goal. So, in addition to all the previous swag you're going to be drowning in (print, metallic bookmark, metallic print), all backers of physical reward levels will also now be receiving the elegant Jim Starlin-signed bookplates. As if this project wasn't classy enough already, well... it just got that much more special!
But wait, there's MORE. We're already fast approaching our mystery stretch goal at 70k so don't be surprised if you get an update Monday morning-ish revealing the secret. A few of you have posted some pretty good guesses and one particularly Sherlock Holmes-like backer may or may not have hit the nail on the head. We'll all have to tune in in just a few days to find out for ourselves.
To help power us the rest of the way to that mystery stretch goal, we've added a couple of new reward tiers: the second Dreadstar t-shirt design (and thanks for selling us out of the first design, guys!) and the world's first-ever Dreadstar Hoodie! Now you can literally wear your Dreadstar love on your sleeve.
Shirt, meet hoodie
We've got big plans as we approach the second week of the campaign so stay tuned. If all goes according to plan, we'll be revealing new sketch covers by Darick Robertson, Dan Panosian and frequent Starlin collaborator Ron Lim. And speaking of sketch covers, a few more Dreadstar fans have climbed aboard that bus this week so get ready for new art from Bart Sears, Jerry Ordway and, making his long-awaited return to the Dreadstar Universe, the one and only Angel Medina!
Who would you guys like to see draw a sketch cover? Let us know and we'll try to make it happen!
As always, back and share. I know Mr. Starlin is blown away by the reception his project has gotten from all of you. As one of three people to have read the book to date (and I've also read the guidebook by Bob Greenberger), I can safely tell you it's everything we've all hoped the return of Vanth Dreadstar might be.
Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink
Rick Leonardi sketch cover UNLEASHED
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 07:53:10 AM
Good morning, DreadSTARS!
We're making great progress towards our next stretch goal, Jim Starlin-signed bookplates, thanks to all of you out there who are backing and sharing this project. We're also not too far off from our mystery stretch goal, much sooner than we thought we be. So we've started pulling together additional stretch goals just in case we need them. Incredibly, that seems like it will be the case. Truly, the love for Dreadstar and Jim Starlin is strong.
The great website 13th Dimension ran a piece on Dreadstar Returns this morning if you'd like to read it. We had promised them an exclusive reveal of Rick Leonardi's Dreadstar sketch cover so we couldn't show it to you until they ran their piece. Anyway, here it is with the reward now live on the campaign page:
Rick Leonardi brings the heat!
How great is that, huh? We're blown away by Rick's contribution.
We have some other amazing stretch cover artists lined up but what's been super cool is we've had other guys reaching out, saying, "hey! Why didn't you ask me to draw one?!" So expect some fun surprises coming up in the sketch cover department, including an artist very near and dear to the hearts of longtime Dreadstar fans.
Back to the salt mines. Thanks again, everybody. Keep washing them hands!
Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink
Stretch goal number three...BOOM!
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 01:17:23 PM
Just a quick afternoon update to let you all know that our third stretch goal, a metallic print of the slipcover case art by Jim Starlin, has been officially unlocked thanks to all of you! So for those of you keeping score at home (and what else is there to do right now, really?), everyone that has backed the project at a physical reward level will now be receiving the metallic print (as well as the cover print and metal bookmark) along with their books and swag.
While I've got your ear, we also opened up two more reward tiers today: a digital combo pack of Dreadstar Returns and the Dreadstar Guidebook and a smaller variant cover bundle, five covers this time with work by Patrick Zircher, Bart Sears, Joe Staton, Chris Burnham and George Perez. Please check them out if you're so inclined.
One final note. Rick Leonardi dropped off his sketch cover today and HOLY SH*T did our jaws drop. Rick went above and beyond and did the full wraparound cover, something none of us were expecting. Unfortunately, we can't share the image quite yet but believe you me, it's gonna be worth waiting a couple of extra days to see it. The trick is going to be keeping it away from Andy "sticky fingers" Smith; things have a tendency to "vanish" when Andy is around...
Thanks again for all your help and support. Make sure to wash your hands and stay safe!
Your pals at Ominous/Creation.Ink
TWO stretch goals SMASHED!
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 07:38:45 AM
Hey DreadSTARS!
Some great news this morning. As you may have noticed, the Dreadstar Returns campaign has continued to skyrocket thanks to all of you. Before we even had time to promote the stretch goal campaign, we've already smashed through the first two stretch goals! So in addition to your pledges, all physical reward-level backers will be also be receiving a free 7 x 9.5 inch print of the Dreadstar Returns cover art AND a black, metallic bookmark emblazoned with the white Dreadstar. We're actually pretty close to unlocking our next stretch goal, a swanky metallic art print of the dynamic slipcase cover art by Mr. Starlin, so don't be surprised if you get another update later today confirming that news.
Many of you have commented asking how to add items to your pledges. We've been contacting you through PM or via comment to confirm any adjustments and new items to your pledges. Unless an item is sold out, we're more than happy to help. You'll also have the option to add items through backerkit after the campaign ends.
Thanks, all, for your support. Please help us spread the word. We're building something amazing together!
Your pals at Ominous/
almost 5 years ago
– Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 11:18:21 AM
What an incredible 14 hours it's been since DREADSTAR RETURNS launched at midnight last night. Thank you all so much for supporting the creative vision of Jim Starlin and the return of Dreadstar! This project literally could not be completed without your love and backing of Mr. Starlin's work and all of us here at Ominous Press and Creation.Ink are genuinely thrilled to see your enthusiasm for this campaign!
Thank you!
Our friends at the Hollywood Reporter profiled Jim to help support the project. If you'd like to read more about his journey back to the drawing table (and back to Dreadstar) after his horrific hand injury, click here.
Now that the project is funded, the fun can really begin. We've got some great surprises coming down the pike to help us reach our stretch goals, along with sketch covers by the likes of Dan Panosian, Ron Lim, Rick Leonardi and more! Stay tuned and thanks again. The best is yet to come, not just for this campaign, but for the adventures of Vanth Dreadstar.